Wisdom Ridge delivers life changing personal growth, teamwork, and leadership development experiences in partnership with horses and the surrounding natural world.
Present Moment Retreat with Horses
This is an opportunity to invest in yourself in a unique, lighthearted, fun way. Coming here for a facilitated 90-minute session with horses is a great alternative to skiing, hiking, or any of the outdoor activities the area has to offer.
It’s a great way to add to a vacation experience or increase focus and fun on the slopes through learning presence, mindfulness, and breathing.
These experiences for individuals, families, and couples provide a fun and creative way to explore connection, resilience, boundaries, intuition, and more.
These experiences do not involve riding and horse experience is not required.
Customized Leadership and Team Building Workshops with Horses
When leaders and teams come to Wisdom Ridge, they are disrupting old behavior patterns by stepping out of their current environment and into a new state.
By design, a workshop at the Ranch delivers a learning experience that pushes participants to a place where they can harness the strength, creativity, passion, compassion and endurance needed to remain steadfastly engaged and excited through corporate change.
My extensive background in learning and development in both large and small organizations will optimize your learning goals. All workshops are customized to meet your objectives.
These experiences do not involve riding and horse experience is not required.
Horse Training
Amy brings decades of training with the top jumper trainers in the US along with a lifetime of working with and studying horses.
Horses and owners brought in for training are evaluated as the unique individuals they are and all methods applied come from a deep knowledge of the equine, compassion, and mindfulness.
We don’t use harsh methods or equipment and we stretch beyond riding to include meditation and ground work.
Horse Boarding
We are a small private facility and accept boarders not in training on a limited application-only basis.
Wisdom Ridge has all day turnout in large areas, trails, top quality local hay, owner-provided grain and supplements, blanketing, and a heated barn and indoor arena.
7 Ways We Learn Life and Leadership Skills from Horses
1. When we’re with a horse our learning capacity is heightened and our fight-or-flight response is buffered, making us braver and more open to collaboration.
Horses do this through helping humans release oxytocin, the “calm and connect” hormone.
2. Horses reveal the inner landscape of humans, including limiting beliefs, attitudes and desire for change.
Horses do this because they have a low tolerance for inauthenticity and respond positively to your truth.
3. Horses show us how to use emotions as information.
Horses make decisions based on how they feel, not how they think.
4. Horses teach us how to prioritize and manage our reactions, allowing us more time for what’s important in our life.
Horses conserve energy for true emergencies by assessing the intentions and emotional states of other species at a distance.
5. Horses guide us to understand the difference between mutually respectful, supportive behavior and aggressive, needlessly controlling behavior.
Horses live in a social system - herds, and each horse has a role that performs specific functions required for the greater good of the herd, often shifting roles when the situation demands.
6. Horses demonstrate how to be effective in roles and relationships without reliance on hierarchical, conquest-oriented, command and control methods. They show us a more evolved form of leadership, emotional heroism, EQ and AQ.
Horses are non-predatory power animals that rely on instinct, intuition and emotion to survive. They are true masters of “the other 90%” of interpersonal communications...the body, the environment and non-verbal cues.
7. Horses show us - especially women - how to stand our ground.
Horses require us to be in our bodies and connected to our center - to be present - in order to connect with them.
Present Moment Retreats are offered by appointment Tuesday-Saturday.
Leadership and Team Development Workshops are custom and scheduled appropriately.
Horse training and lessons are conducted Tuesday-Saturday.
The barn is open to horse owners seven days a week, from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. in the summer and from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in the winter.
Individuals, families, teams, and leaders.
Horse owners.
There is no riding in the equine-facilitated experiences. You don’t have to have prior horse experience to participate. All measures are taken to ensure the safety of the participants.
We are a winter friendly operation and operate year-round with our heated barn and indoor arena.
Absolutely, you can contact us here with any other questions.